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Check Your Pay – Is It Correct?

On 17th May 2022, an announcmeent was made by the Trust regarding Jubilee Bank Holiday Arrangements. This was regarding the additional bank holiday that had been announced for the 3rd June 2022.

The Trust stated to there being “enhanced rates of pay for those scheduled to work, and additional annual leave entitlements for those not scedhuled to work”.

It has been raised by a few of our members that to date there has not been any enhanced payment for those who worked.  We as a branch have taken this forward and are trying to get answers.  To everyone else who has not yet made contact with us, and you worked the additional bank holiday, can you please check your wage slips and let us know if you have yet to be paid. Please email:

Kind regards

Your Branch

The Need To Know article can be read here: 

Posted: 21st October 2022

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